Stash Pics | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 32
Hidden Storage Under Bed

Hidden Storage Under Bed

Bolzan Letti offers a series of beds that use this lift up hardware. The mattress can tilt up, or the entire things can raise vertically in order to access the hidden storage space below. These options provide one of the most accessible under bed storage areas...
Security Equipment Cases & Furniture

Security Equipment Cases & Furniture

Winsted offers up a full range of security furniture for use in commercial, industrial and public spaces. This lockable steel equipment cabinet is one example. It includes a plexiglass door to monitor what’s...
Security Furniture by Dottling

Security Furniture by Dottling

This security furniture line by Döttling is called Safiture. It’s made around a secure steel core. It can be covered and outfitted to specifically fit the purchaser’s needs. Materials include stainless steel, woods of all kinds, leather and bulletproof...
7 Secret Stash Spots

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