Stash Pics | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 8
Easy DIY False Bottom Drawer

Easy DIY False Bottom Drawer

Here is an easy method from the Family Handyman to turn any drawer in your home into a secret hiding spot. Start with a deep drawer so the difference in depth won’t be so apparent. Then cut a 1/4″ thick piece of plywood to the dimensions of the drawer,...
DIY Faux Wood Pile in Fireplace

DIY Faux Wood Pile in Fireplace

This Pinterest Challenge was created by Morgan over at Pepper Design Blog a couple years ago as a winter project. After having issues with the gas fireplace, they shut off the gas and she designed a way to cover up the old charred opening. A variation of this could be...
Secret Bookcase Automatically Raises from Floor

Secret Bookcase Automatically Raises from Floor

This custom bookcase lives in the basement and is completely hidden from view at most times. The top of the case is covered with a piece of the flooring so it blends in with the floor. Upon pulling a lever on the wall in the gallery, however, it automatically raises...
Secret Compartment in Drawer

Secret Compartment in Drawer

We found this custom crafted secret compartment on the BlokeBlogger’s site. Here he creates a tiny secret drawer in the face of an actual drawer. The small compartment can only be accessed by first pulling out the main drawer, then using some type of push stick...
Automatic Secret Library Bookcase Door

Automatic Secret Library Bookcase Door

This secret bookcase door project got taken a little farther than most. After building a bookcase door that slides into a false wall cubby, user Kirzbleen at Instructables added an actuator with programming to open the door automatically. This secret door took months...
Bookcase with Secret Compartment Drawers

Bookcase with Secret Compartment Drawers

We ran across this bookcase with secret storage drawers in the furniture section of Etsy. The bookcase is handmade and is on priced on the higher end, but does include a hidden drawer under each shelf complete with hidden magnetic locks. You can move a magnetic key...
7 Secret Stash Spots

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