Stash Pics | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 9
Stainless Steel Exterior Utility Hatch

Stainless Steel Exterior Utility Hatch

While investigating the the Deck Hatches recently on Lucigold’s site, we ran across these heavy duty utility hatches. They implement the same overlapping lip design and gas shock supports as the deck hatches, but are made for use anywhere a horizontal hatch is...
DIY Wooden Crate with Secret Drawer

DIY Wooden Crate with Secret Drawer

This Instructable walks you through the steps to build this functional wooden crate. It has a couple slightly advanced steps but can be built with primary wood shop tools. The feature that sets this crate off from other is the secret compartment underneath. The main...
Deck Hatches to Hide Cellar Entrances

Deck Hatches to Hide Cellar Entrances

Yesterday we presented a custom deck trap door that allowed access to an external cellar basement door. That set us on a journey to see what other options there were for the same function. We found this company, LuciGold, that makes hatches for this specific purpose....
Deck Trap Doors Conceal Cellar Entrance

Deck Trap Doors Conceal Cellar Entrance

Sometimes hidden passages are created out of necessity for a functional space. Userjb2411 on was hired to build a backyard deck. The deck was going to be at door level and cover over the exterior doors the basement cellar. To retain access to the...
Quick Access Wall Vent Safe

Quick Access Wall Vent Safe

This hidden safe available from Bonanza is disguised as a wall vent and is large enough to store handguns, cash, ammo and other valuables. It is made to be mounted in the wall between the upright studs on 16″ center. The hidden compartment inside can be quickly...
Secret Compartment in Heel of Shoe

Secret Compartment in Heel of Shoe

This secret compartment is more novelty than anything else. The compartment is only concealed when you’re feet are on the floor, but we wanted to feature it anyways. These $500 leather shoes from Oliver Sweeney include a custom heel that conceals a bottle of...
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