If you’re reading this page, you either have something valuable to store or are hoping to acquire something of value down the road that needs to be kept secure. Here’s a list of underground vaults and storage facilities to help fill secure long and short...
This is an older secret bookcase door, and a bit less sneaky than some. You can see where the edges of the door line up and would pivot. In a dark office or library, it would still seem pretty concealed.
These secret priest holes were built into Catholic homes in England during a time when Catholics were persecuted by law, from the beginning of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I in 1558.
This secret door and passage used for the Underground Railroad was concealed by a hinged tool cabinet. Secret door behind tool cabinet used along the underground railroad
A lot of people dream of walking down the stairs to their private vault in the basement to retrieve that special vintage bottle of wine. Others imagine walking into a vault that displays their entire collection of firearms. I personally would like both of those, and...