compartment | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 19
Secret Compartment Leather StashBelt

Secret Compartment Leather StashBelt

Seth over at StashBelt are trying to mass produce these leather money belts with a secret zipper compartment on the inside. They also include a 4GB thumb drive that fits in a separate hidden pocket. These are hand made in Kenya, and great to stash extra cash in while...
Secret Compartment Faux Wooden Book

Secret Compartment Faux Wooden Book

I found these faux books while browsing the local Ross retail store. When inspecting up close, they don’t look very authentic as books. But the price was reasonable, and they may fit right in on a shelf with a lot of other...
Homemade Hollow Book Nexus Cover

Homemade Hollow Book Nexus Cover

A friend of mine brought his Nexus over to the house in this homemade hollow book case. He said it took a couple hours to complete and works nicely. He made the cuts from the rear of the book, so they gradually get smaller toward the front. If he were to do it again,...
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