compartment | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 26
Door with Secret Compartment Capsules

Door with Secret Compartment Capsules

Wessels Boer Marjet says this door, featured on DesignBoom, was inspired by old thick, wooden doors with large steel rivets. The metal inserts in his creation are actually removable capsules with secret compartments...
Secret Room Under Stairs

Secret Room Under Stairs

The stairs at Harvington Hall lift up to reveal a secret priest hole underneath. The hidden area consists of two rooms. The first is a small compartment where they would place insignificant treasures, hoping that would be enough to distract anyone searching. The...
Lumber Truck with Hidden Moonshine Compartment

Lumber Truck with Hidden Moonshine Compartment

This lumber truck was actually used during Prohibition to smuggle alcohol. Agents only investigated because they smelled the odor of a broken bottle. They found a hidden trapdoor in the back that opened to a secret compartment holding 70 cases of...
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