by Chad King | Nov 26, 2012 | Stash Pics
This user on FJ Cruiser Forums used standard pick-apart foam to create a secret console storage spot for his flashlight and pistol.
by Chad King | Nov 26, 2012 | Stash Pics
This custom shelf on ArmsList includes a coat rack below. A fold-down panel along the front opens up to reveal a secret compartment that can store a long gun or other valuables.
by Chad King | Nov 26, 2012 | Stash Pics
This custom built keyring holder, featured on LumberJocks, swings open to reveal a secret gun storage compartment in back.
by Chad King | Nov 22, 2012 | Stash Pics
This toy box, featured on, includes a secret compartment drawer below.
by Chad King | Nov 18, 2012 | Stash Pics
This Instructable shows how to make a secret compartment concealed behind faux DVD movie cases.