compartment | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 37
Secret Compartment in Dresser

Secret Compartment in Dresser

This Sonoma Valley Dresser from Haverty’s includes a secret compartment under the lift-up top for jewelry and other valuables. These compartments require you to keep the top of the dresser free of ornaments and clutter when you want to access. That can make them...
Rapid Access Defense Weapons Storage

Rapid Access Defense Weapons Storage

Caron Forensics has started offering this Rapid Access Defense weapons storage system. It’s a steel box that mounts to a wall with rails inside that a variety of weapons, tools, and flashlights can be mounted to. It’s lockable, but with a key allows quick...
Secret Compartment Nightstand

Secret Compartment Nightstand

This nightstand in the Sonoma Valley collection from Haverty’s has a top that slides forward to reveal a secret compartment below. The top stays levels so items atop of the table do not have to be removed for access to the...
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