compartment | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 44
Secret Compartment Wall Shelf

Secret Compartment Wall Shelf

UK design students Joie de Winter and Michael Leung came up with this secret compartment shelf concept to help teenagers hide their porn stash. The secret compartment opens by using a sterling silver ring as a key.
Contraband Hidden in Tar Machine Trailer

Contraband Hidden in Tar Machine Trailer

The Texas Department of Public Safety has a feature of photos that show some of the clever methods smugglers use to move contraband into and around the country. One example is this 52 pounds of marijuana stashed in a contractor tar...
Antonio Bernardo Secret Compartment Ring

Antonio Bernardo Secret Compartment Ring

This new take on the classic poison ring from Antonio Bernardo includes a secret compartment when the two layers are slid apart. Unlike rings with hinged jewels, this one requires that you remove it from your finger in order to access the...
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