This iPhone case that’s featured on YankoDesign, is only a concept, but it provides a very useful purpose. The backside fo the case slides out to provide room for a slimline condom. Maybe they’ll put this into production so everyone can be prepared without...
Apartment Therapy featured this stack of dishes, where the top plate lifts up to reveal a secret compartment. The link to the source of these is currently dead. This would be a great kitchen stash spot for extra cabinet space on a top shelf. If anyone has additional...
Sport and Store offers this water bottle in several colors. It contains a secret compartment that can be removed from the bottom for storing cash, keys, ID cards and other valuables. is a newer company that specializes in secret compartments in furniture. This headboard can be made with 2 or 3 pop-out handgun compartments, depending on the bed size, allowing for easy access even when lying in...