compartment | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 47
Puzzle Table with Secret Compartments

Puzzle Table with Secret Compartments

The Play! Table from GENERATE includes a sliding puzzle top. Each time the puzzle is rearranged, the open slot reveals one of sixteen different secret storage compartments. The price tag of $7,599 makes it unfeasible for most rational folks, but the concept still...
Chair Side Hidden Storage Table

Chair Side Hidden Storage Table

This chair side table from Taylor Gifts has a top that lifts up to reveal a secret storage compartment. This type of lift-up lid is generally less desirable than a sliding top or other side door/drawer, as it requires you to remove items from the top of the table to...
Sofa Table with Secret Compartments

Sofa Table with Secret Compartments

Above All Woodworking show how they made this wooden console/sofa table on The table includes multiple secret compartments that make good use of space and can be accessed from under the table.
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