compartment | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 59
Secret Stash Drawer in Desk

Secret Stash Drawer in Desk

Taiwanese-turned-British designer, Yting Cheng, created a conceptual line of office furniture and accessories to deter theft in office and studio environments. This table/desk from the collection has a shallow secret compartment drawer in an unsuspecting...
Table with Secret Desk Compartments

Table with Secret Desk Compartments

This table, created by the Razy2 designer duo, has sections that slide out to reveal several secret compartments. They contain hidden drawers, as well as places for pens, papers, and even a USB hub.
Secret Compartment Drawers in Desk

Secret Compartment Drawers in Desk

This image is an excerpt from The Complete Illustrated Guide To Furniture & Cabinet Construction. The middle panel between the drawers on this desk is a secret drawer that can be pulled out. but if you engage a secret latch in the back, you can pull out an...
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