compartment | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 9
Secret Pocket Underwear

Secret Pocket Underwear

“Is that a fifth in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?” These underwear from Ebay come with a built in 6″ x 12″ secret compartment in the front.
Hemp Hoodlamb Jacket with Stash Pockets

Hemp Hoodlamb Jacket with Stash Pockets

Proceeds from these hemp hoodlamb jackets go to support the international Sea Shepherd marine wildlife conservation organization. Jackets come with multiple secret stash pockets. Rumor is they even have an integrated rolling paper...
Secret Pocket Raver Pants

Secret Pocket Raver Pants

I had to include these one-off secret pocket pants from Etsy, because who wouldn’t suspect a hidden stash in these giant Transformer raver pants? Flare points all you that can pull these off.
7 Secret Stash Spots

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