hidden | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 24
Captain’s Writing Box with False Bottom

Captain’s Writing Box with False Bottom

I hadn’t seen too much documentation on Captain’s Boxes or Captain’s Writing Boxes until I ran across Hygra.com. This site out of London buys, sells and explains a multitude of antique boxes. The one featured here is a Captain’s Writing Box...
Water Bottle with Stash Compartment

Water Bottle with Stash Compartment

While not completely secret, the storage compartment in this AUTOSEAL® Kangaroo water bottle from Contigo is very useful. It’s big enough to hold cash, keys and cards when you’re traveling light, like at the gym, pool or...
Bathroom Mirror Conceals Secret Cabinet

Bathroom Mirror Conceals Secret Cabinet

There is a big demand for more cabinets like this one. Bathrooms are generally small rooms, and there is unused space in interior walls that can be used for storage. This one cleverly uses a large, hinged mirror as a door to conceal it from...
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