Chris from Man Made DIY put this unique secret compartment together. He cuts out a large portion of some old 12″ vinyl record covers. he then glues them together using some pine boards for reinforcement. The build process is documented here. The finished result...
This workdbench, made by user Greasetrap on Survivalistboards, includes a secret storage compartment under the bottom shelf. Remove the items from the shelf, and lift up the hinged lid. This user stores guns and ammo in this...
A friend of mine brought his Nexus over to the house in this homemade hollow book case. He said it took a couple hours to complete and works nicely. He made the cuts from the rear of the book, so they gradually get smaller toward the front. If he were to do it again,...
This simple homemade nightstand featured by MyDIYHome includes a hidden storage compartment underneath the top. This method uses no hinges or slides and makes it less handy to access contents of the compartment, but also makes it cheap and easy to...