jewelry box | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments
Jewelry Box with Secret Compartment

Jewelry Box with Secret Compartment

This jewelry box from 9x7Woodworks on Etsy is hand crafted with hardwoods and rabbet joint corners. The base is held on with rare earth magnets. It can be removed to allow access to a secret compartment within for sentimental items and special things of...
Secret Drawer in Custom Jewelry Case

Secret Drawer in Custom Jewelry Case

This custom jewelry case is unfinished in these pictures, but has a secret compartment pull-out drawer in the bottom that is attached to the leg trim. The finished product includes a nice stain and velvet lined...
Secret Compartment Jewelry Box

Secret Compartment Jewelry Box

This wooden jewelry box has layers that swivel to reveal individual compartments. Access is gained to the secret compartment by lifting the top section off and removing a panel held on with magnets. This box can be purchased on Etsy. The draw back to jewelry boxes...
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