kitchen | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments
Hidden Kitchen Storage Compartment

Hidden Kitchen Storage Compartment

User dexaler on Reddit created this covert cabinet with multiple secret compartments in his kitchen. When closed, you can’t tell there is any storage there. But you can flip open a couple rustic boards and reveal easy to access goodies inside. There are a lot of...
Kitchen Appliances Hidden Behind Doors

Kitchen Appliances Hidden Behind Doors

We found this custom kitchen example at KBH Københavns Møbelsnedkeri. They are a company out of Denmark that makes custom handmade furniture. This minimalist style kitchen is fully equipped with appliances. However, they can all be hidden away by closing a couple sets...
Easy DIY False Bottom Drawer

Easy DIY False Bottom Drawer

Here is an easy method from the Family Handyman to turn any drawer in your home into a secret hiding spot. Start with a deep drawer so the difference in depth won’t be so apparent. Then cut a 1/4″ thick piece of plywood to the dimensions of the drawer,...
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