passage | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 7
Shallow Secret Bookcase Door

Shallow Secret Bookcase Door

This secret bookcase door by Sunrise Custom Woodworking opens inward to a hidden room. The pull handle along the shelf gives some of the secret away. You can see this door has a shallow depth, and uses several standard door...
Secret Panel Door in Art Gallery

Secret Panel Door in Art Gallery

This secret door, featured on Reddit, was installed in an art gallery and let to a hidden studio. While it looks somewhat obvious, the room contains several trimmed areas like this, so the door blended in well. The top panel also housed a painting, with its own...
Tenant Finds Secret Door and Room

Tenant Finds Secret Door and Room

A recent Redditor found this secret bookcase door in a home he was living in, held closed by a nail in the bottom shelf. The hidden room behind contains a water heater, and access behind some walls.
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