This secret wood panel in the Winchester Mansion opens up to reveal a hidden set of stairs behind. Sara Winchester was the the widow of William Wirt Winchester and heiress to his estate and a 50 percent holding in the Winchester Repeating Arms Company following his...
Confronted with a bedroom in the basement with no separation from the TV room, user deanaronson over at Ikea Hackers created this wall of bookshelves with a secret door. They used three 30″ wide bookcases and a 15″ case on the far left to create the...
This secret door on Hometalk is a good example of a faux bookcase door. It looks like a bookcase from a distance, but to safe weight and space the bookcase have been cut down and permanently affixed to the shallow shelves. While not making the space useful as both a...
Renoventures built this fun secret bookcase door in a weekend. It replaces their old basement door and makes the space much more useable. They have an illustrated DIY at their page here.