secret compartment | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 4
DIY Faux Wood Pile in Fireplace

DIY Faux Wood Pile in Fireplace

This Pinterest Challenge was created by Morgan over at Pepper Design Blog a couple years ago as a winter project. After having issues with the gas fireplace, they shut off the gas and she designed a way to cover up the old charred opening. A variation of this could be...
Hidden Gun Storage On Wall

Hidden Gun Storage On Wall

Linh Ngo has created this wall mounted gun rack that’s concealed behind a lift up panel. A video of his creation is here. His panel is a woodburned mural on a piece of cedar of the classic “Don’t Tread On Me” flag. This could be substituted for...
Secret Storage Behind Paintings

Secret Storage Behind Paintings

We found this interesting shelving on the Bit Rebels’ site. Each rectangle is a wood box, and covered with piece of a painting or collage. Each door slides to the side independently and reveals useful storage inside. This type of hidden storage would be easy to...
Secret Book Safe Conceals Flask

Secret Book Safe Conceals Flask

I recently acquired a sleek new stash book from John and Kara over at Secret Safe Books. I didn’t know what to expect, but the quality and presentation of the product was top notch. Secret Safe Books offers a number of titles of real books that they cut the...
Pillow with Secret Compartment

Pillow with Secret Compartment

Called the Privacy Pillow, this pillow has a secret compartment located inside and accessed from the end. The pocket accommodates valuables, private things, self-defense items, important documents, or anything else that fits. The pocket is made of leather and is held...
7 Secret Stash Spots

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