We found this hidden hot tub on AirBNB. The vacation rental is loft style and tight on space. To make the most of what was available, a section of the floor lifts up as a trap door revealing a hidden hot tub beneath.
Smart Product Technology makes a kit to turn several of your bottom stairs into a hidden lift-up door. This kit allows you to reach the area underneath the stairs, or space inside the actual framing of the stairs. This can be used for storing guns and valuables. SPT...
This wall clock from TopSecretFurniture conceals a hidden interior compartment accessed by a magnetic latch. It would work well to store a gun or quick access item out of plain site, especially in an older or rustic...
This floating shelf from Top Secret Furniture slides out from the wall to reveal a hidden interior compartment. The compartment stays level, so you don’t have to remove anything from the shelf to access the compartment. It’s a great place to keep spare...
These brackets and magnetic clips from Schluter are designed to hold tiles in place to create hidden access panels to reach electrical and plumbing issues.