table | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 4
DIY Nightstands with Hidden Compartments

DIY Nightstands with Hidden Compartments

This simple homemade nightstand featured by MyDIYHome includes a hidden storage compartment underneath the top. This method uses no hinges or slides and makes it less handy to access contents of the compartment, but also makes it cheap and easy to...
Secret Sunken Dining Room Table

Secret Sunken Dining Room Table

I don’t have any info on this setup, but it appears the hole can be covered and used as floor, or opened and used as a table. Seems like a stretch for this to be easily accessible, clean and useable, but I wanted to feature it out of pure...
Lift-Top Secret Compartment Table

Lift-Top Secret Compartment Table

This coffee table from Spy Emporium has a secret compartment revealed when the lift-up top is raised. The top stays level so there is no need to remove items from the table before accessing the secret compartment.
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