wooden | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments - Part 2
Secret Compartment Shelf

Secret Compartment Shelf

ArtTechDesignInc carries these LedgeLokr shelves with secret compartments. The top shelf remains level, while the bottom swings down to reveal the interior contents.
Wooden Box with Secret Drawer

Wooden Box with Secret Drawer

A user by the name of Thresher on Lumberjocks made this custom wooden box with a secret compartment behind the bottom drawer. Magnets are attached to the drawer and the secret compartment in a way that the drawer can be inserted upside down and pull the secret...
Built-In Bench with Secret Storage

Built-In Bench with Secret Storage

This custom built-in bench includes additional storage in the corner. The L-shaped bench is fitted inside a tiny home and has a trap door that opens in the corner to reveal the hidden storage compartment.
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